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"GPA" stands for "Greet. Probe. Address." It is the process by which to serve customers, in turn growing sales. The techniques taught in GPA training can be used in all aspects of any industry, as well as in our personal lives, to be successful. Ian Coburn, founder of GPA Training, Inc., originated the GPA concept and training back in the late 90's, after he found soft skills training to be inadequate or non-existent in most industries. He was remarkably successful with it, soon finding himself requested by numerous organizations to teach them the process, developing their sales, customer service and leadership teams as a consultant. Over nearly the next 20 years, Ian broadened resources to train by adding learning and development (L&D), instructional design, online education software, and LMS management to his skill set. In short, he is able to train via any medium and has a firm foundation in how the brain works, enabling him to package the training message in ways that engage and entertain learners, providing for both better reception and implementation of material taught.


In May, 2016, Ian was hired by Navistar to bring GPA into the trucking industry. Tired of hiring consultants, Navistar wanted their own in-house expert. Ian was a great fit, as he trains the trainers, course developers, and is the authority consultants seek when they have questions. In particular, Ian trains on how to speak, present and train in front of the room; reasonable, given his background--he spent the first ten years of his career touring across North America as a standup comedian.


At Navistar, Ian met a wonderful group of dealers. He soon found himself speaking at events and training eager dealers in exchange for parts purchases. Personnel dealers sent to GPA training spanned every role, even including receptionists and directors. When Navistar changed direction with his role in August, 2017, Ian left on very good terms and incorporated his long-standing sole-proprietorship, GPA Training, into an S-Corporation. In this manner, GPA Training is able to better meet the needs of the trucking, automotive and supplier-related industries.


GPA Training would be both honored and flattered to have the opportunity to serve you via speaking, eLearning, training, consulting or even simply through providing our book to your team or customers. Please peruse the site and contact Ian to learn more. Thank you for visiting.  

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